Well, somebody out there is finally recognizing what a good sport I've been through all of the lost wallets and cars that have rolled down hills or crashed into grip trucks. Yes, there are stories behind those. My life really is by the book...the physics book, which teaches us that the universe tends toward chaos. Well, nothing's changed in that department. Things are just as random as ever, but they are starting to make more sense. All I know is that SOMEBODY out there has a sense of humor....
Yesterday morning, I went to my amazing friend Sarah Court's yoga class. I was all settled down to start getting into the zen zone, when someone came in late and squealed because she saw her friend. I turned around and then squealed because, it was one of my favorite comediennes from the Office! But, then I squashed the squeal because I realized that the only one squealing had been her, and it certainly wasn't because a hilarious celebrity came in the room. I don't know! Hollywood's tough. I don't want to make people feel uncomfortable or weird, but I do want to give them props if they're awesome. dilemmas, dilemmas.
I usually have no trouble clearing my mind during class, but this time I was all a flutter thinking of what I could possibly say to her after class, coupled with a very zen self-reprimand of, if an encounter is meant to be, it will come to you. Thank you, Sharon Jakubecy, Alexander Technique Guru, for playing the Voice of the Universe in my head :)
Well, after class, as we were passing each other on the way to the pile of yoga blankets, I told her what a fan I was, especially now that I know how hard comedy is after being told by my dad, my latest acting coach, and my favorite acting teaching that I'm really not that funny. Well, I didn't dump all that on her, but that was the motivation. Now, of course, what all those people have in common are that they are authority figures who I admire, and want to please, and who scare all the funny right out of me...but that's a chat for my therapist :)
After class, a guilt-ridden phone call with my mom about money prompted me to print out 20 resumes, and drop them off all up and down Vermont and Hillhurst. I wanted to avoid this with all of my being, and of course, the universe agreed, making me forget several things, causing several trips into the house.
The second to last trip, I forgot my keys, but locked the door from the handle, which rendered me powerless. Luckily, there was one unlocked window in the house, about 1 and a half midgets' heights off the ground. It was right above our dirty, disgusting dish that held every dish in the house I share with 3 other guys. I pushed them out of the way and pulled myself up over the dirty ledge, and into the house, cat-burglar style. On the next trip, I could finally be on my way.
Most places weren't hiring, but were happy to take my resume. I met a couple super hot guys and said to myself, "Well, I will not be working there...but I sure will be eating there more often!"
Figuero is a hipster/euro hotspot. I've found that the Mustard Seed Cafe is a comedian hotspot. The guys that work there Mike and...Bryce?...Pierce?...they're cool, so I can see why funny people want to eat their food. I saw the Indian guy from community and another dude that's on everything, but whose name I forget. Alcove is certainly a little jungle hide-away in the middle of los Feliz.
Public House 1739 was my favorite. I watched the USA-Czech Republic Game on TV, intermittently glancing at the HOT guy who sat down diagonal from me. He was watching me too, but I had to focus on getting the job! I went back twice and for once, the girls were super nice, but when the owner/manager came out, he was scary. I couldn't really understand his accent and couldn't stop starting at his teeth. but, I swallowed the fear and went into Old-Man charm mode, being as cute and adorable as I can, using being in trouble as a teenager as my motivation. Of course, he wanted someone with bar experience, and I had none, but I really was doing a very convincing job of telling him how awesome I am. I was THIS close to getting the job, when some lady walked by with a clipboard, and he abandoned me with a flourish of, "Maybe I'll call you." Ugh, I had turned on all the charm for that dude and he dismissed me like a cheap whore. If I hadn't been so close to tears, I would have gone back to hang out with the cute guy. Trust me, I thought about it.
Luckily, I went to Brian Belleza's yoga class at Blink to Light, he sufficiently strengthened, stretched, and kicked my ass, sending me back into the zen mode with which I had started the day.