Holly-weird is a state of mind.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Be the change you wish to see in the world...

This week in class, I shared this story of a boy throwing sand dollars into the ocean.  A man walked by and said, "why are you doing that.  There are thousands of them washed up on the shore.  You can't make a difference."  The boy replied, "I did for that one."

Often we are overwhelmed with the problems we see in the world.  With such an influx of information from social media and the news, from friends with personal issues to tornado victims, it is easy to feel powerless.  

But, like the boy and his lone sand dollar, if we can recognize one small way we can help in the world, we can make a  difference in one life. If we each do this, just imagine the change we can make in the world.

"Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead